
ANSE Summer University Riga verplaatst naar 2022

ANSE organiseert jaarlijks de Summer University voor alle aangesloten Europese beroepsverenigingen, waaronder LVSC. Vanwege de coronapandemie gaat de voor dit jaar geplande Summer University in Riga, Letland, niet door. Wel wordt er dit jaar een 2-daagse (online) Summer Special georganiseerd. Lees hieronder het nieuwsbericht van ANSE. 


As you probably have guessed from the Covid context in Europe, the organising committee has decided to move this year’s ANSE Summer University in Riga, Latvia to August 22-26, 2022. The theme of ANSE Summer University 2022 will still be the same: Power Dynamics and Human Empowerment in an environment of elevated uncertainty. We will re-open information at the end of 2021. Please do follow and ANSE social media for more information regarding Riga venue. In the meantime, to provide an opportunity to meet this year as well, ANSE board is organising a shorter, 2 days Summer (online) Special on August 19 & 20, 2021. Save these dates and stay tuned! More information about the Summer (online) Special on and ANSE social media. 

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